Urban farming ‘revolutionized’ with shipping containers?

Some intriguing inspiration from Instagram and Sustainable Urban Delta’s Insta page.

Human Habitat has designed an assembly kit of ready-made components to make a two-story vertical hydroponic (soil-free) farm. The farm comes in a shipping container. They hope to increase food security in cities, lower the ecological footprint of food production, create jobs and easily adapt to changes in the urban landscape.

This compact and scalable farming solution might not only reduce the need for vast tracts of land but also promote resource conservation by optimizing water and energy usage.

But can shipping container farms truly address food security and sustainability challenges and bring fresh, locally grown produce closer to urban populations?

Besides year-round production, controlled environment, and reduced pesticide use, how can cities utilize shipping containers? Are they barriers to growing food? (Isn’t it just as easy to grow food on an empty lot?)

Share your examples if you have any.

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